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Need to shave my legs first

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"Should I shave first?" , by Erik Pevernagie, oil on canvas,

Beyond the spiritual and emotional sides of life, there are more elementary occupations, as well, like shaving, washing, and dressing. As they are so futile, not many people seem to be interested in talking about it.

But when they come in opposition to more serious items, they can become amusing.

A specific action or situation may rouse an unexpected point of interest, receive a chirpy significance, and obtain a jokey twinkle or a poetic angle.

Some seem to become aware of their dependence on an insatiable hunt for the newest gadgets, which doesn’t allow them to see the sky behind the wall that has surrounded their living space. By enduringly focusing on their lopsided investment in ‘having,’ they fail to enrich their ‘being’ and forget to look at the pleasant and witty side of life.

If we can tame or restrain our addiction to the blinding overabundance of technical widgets, we can “tool down” our mental frame. It’s, by opening our mind to the infinite potential of the world around, that we can take time for the others and learn to listen and interpret their captivating stories.

More than once, “Gsoh,” seems to be in confrontation with “Gsoh:” welfare at war with welfare, material and cerebral prerogatives at war. Gsoh, “Good Salary, own House,” may, however, make peace with “Gsoh,” “Good Sense of Humor.” A good mixture of substantial and mental qualities may not only lead to an excellent balance of the mind but also fill a nice basket of wittiness, as vital support in life.

Humour can save lives.


Phenomenon: Importance of humour

Factual starting point: Legs, Electric Razor