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The world was somewhere else

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"The world was somewhere else" , by Erik Pevernagie, oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm  xx


Comes the tipping point in life when we decide to a 'stop and search,' and our emotional police brings us to a standstill. It allows us to scan all the little details in the spectrum of our being. We scour all fuzzy or cryptic elements that are floating around in our minds and restore the fault lines in the cluttered tale of our life.

When life only consists of infantile first world problems and day-by-day futilities, our mind is eager for other values, which should fill the unbearable emptiness.

Comes the tipping point in life when we decide to 'stop and search,' and our emotional police bring us to a standstill. This allows us to scan all the little details in the spectrum of our being. We scour all fuzzy or cryptic elements floating around in our minds and restore the fault lines in the cluttered tale of our lives.

When life consists only of infantile first-world problems and day-by-day futilities, our minds are eager for other values that should fill the unbearable emptiness.

If we are suffocating under the pressure of the banality of our wrongness, losing out to the slowly infiltrating cancerous cells of indifference, we must redirect our life course.

With strained relationships, missed opportunities, and waning commitments, we are compelled to capture a profound and introspective view on dealing with life's challenges. A primordial clue to being a reasonable winner is being honest to ourselves and responsible to others.

Dwelling among shipwrecked dreams and losing oneself in wishful thinking cannot solve tribulations. Identifying cracks and apprehending the defaults in one's life is essential to finding a way out of the swamp and starting a search for a New Haven.

Instead of remaining stuck amidst the ruins of the past, mired in unfulfilled hopes and unrealized ambitions, and focusing solely on what has failed, we must look outward and forward to confront challenges head-on and harness our inner strength and resilience.


« There is a world elsewhere." (Shakespeare: Coriolanus).

Phenomenon: Understanding defaults in life

Factual starting point of the picture : Woman lying on the floor